"The path of least resistance is the path of the loser. "
-- H.G. Wells, author
In the movie "A league of the Own," Jimmy Dugan (played by Tom Hanks) had a heated discussion with his star player Dottie Hinson (played by Geena Davis) about quitting the baseball team, and her decision to move back to Oregon in the middle of the playoffs. Towards the end of the discussion, Hinson said, "It (playing Baseball) just got too hard." Dugan's reply, "Its suppose to be hard... If it wasn't hard, then everyone would do it... The HARD is what makes it (Baseball) Great!"
In life adversity strikes us all. If we look for and take the easy way out, then we'll never truly experience long-term success and satisfaction because we are (in essence) running from the challenges. Whether you are an athlete, coach, lawyer, teacher, doctor, tax accountant, etc. you have a challenge(s), and those challenges are place in front of you to test you (and help you grow). So, face them... Meet them with confidence, overcome them, and press forward. Never run from them again! All the successful people you know and/ or have heard of did not do it and prevailed... So why should you?
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